FUPA Definition

FUPA - pronounced (Foo-Pah) The roll of flab over the genitals of obese people. Looks most hideous when seen through sweatpants. The word FUPA stands for "Fat Upper Pubic Area".
Safari - (suh-fahr-ee) a journey or expedition, for hunting, exploration, or investigation, especially at Walmart, the mall food court, or fast food restuarants.


While on safari you must be careful not to become a FUPAHOLIC. Yes, there are those out there who fall in love with the FUPA. They can't get enough. They need it everyday. This is sad because their love is only for the FUPA not the person.

There are those who desire and love to touch the FUPA. This is not only ill-advised but dangerous. One must not get too close to the FUPA. While the FUPA may look warm and cuddly it is definitely not FUPALICIOUS.