FUPA Definition

FUPA - pronounced (Foo-Pah) The roll of flab over the genitals of obese people. Looks most hideous when seen through sweatpants. The word FUPA stands for "Fat Upper Pubic Area".
Safari - (suh-fahr-ee) a journey or expedition, for hunting, exploration, or investigation, especially at Walmart, the mall food court, or fast food restuarants.

The FUPA Mating Ritual

The mating habits of the FUPA are difficult to understand as they have never been bred in captivity and so very little information is on hand with regard to their mating rituals.  What we do know is that the male FUPA often pierce they nipples in order to demonstrate their willingness to begin a courtship.  Another sign of their intention to court can be seen by how cleverly they hide the FUPA banana hammock.

Legend has it that FUPA like to wrestle and fight prior to copulation often biting and scratching one another.  Some FUPA prefer mating with non-FUPA which is often frowned upon in the FUPA community.  The FUPA mating season is roughly from May until September. 

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